The trees in the yard of our rental home were getting very over grown and needed to be trimmed....and need I say more.....they are certainly trimmed now.
Things grow very quickly here so in a matter of a few months they will be bursting forth with lots of green again.....but for now the yard looks rather bare and we have lots of sunshine coming into the house.
Just getting started.....notice their bamboo ladder and the bare feet.
Watching the action.....
Oh my all I could say while taking this picture.
Lots and lots of branches on the ground.
He was certainly skilled in climbing and balancing in his bare feet......
while chopping away at the branches.
They filled this little pickup truck full three times with branches to haul away. They chopped and compressed it very tight.
A view of the finished cut from out my office room....I should have taken a before picture because it is hard to imagine now how big these trees were before..... when all I could see was lots of leaves from this window.
Another view from the ground.